Be Recognized and Make Money in Music

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Get recognized for your talent and make money in music with the New Artist Model. Learn about the music business from how to get on spotify playlists and how instagram for musicians works for you and how to promote your music and get your music licensed. Learn the best way to use instagram for musicians and how to promote your music. Learn about social media marketing and global music marketing with music career success strategies using the New Artist Model approach. Discover tips and techniques that you can use to advance your music career.  Find ways to book more shows and gigs, learn about copyright, licensing and music publishing, record labels, music marketing, music news, musician websites, musician success, merchandise, artist management, performing, songwriting and recording in this music blog. If you want to be a musician and make money in music the you must learn how to promote your music online and develop online press kits and more.  Learn about fan funding, financing, career planning and how to build a successful career in today’s music business.