Entries by newartistmodel

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The Proof is in the Pudding – Corey Smith

Bob Lefsetz posted in December about Corey Smith, a fantastic artist who is blazing a new trail through the music business using entirely new ways of thinking. Corey’s whole business model is based on giving away lots of music for free and building relationships with his fans. Last year he grossed $4.2 million with a […]


Music Stats for 2008 from Soundscan

The Nielsen Company Soundscan report for 2008 shows some interesting statistics. Legitimate digital sales continue to climb with some truly astonishing numbers. • Music purchases (transactions) in 2008 reached 1.5 Billion, marking the fourth consecutive year music sales have exceeded 1 billion; 1.4 billion (2007) vs. 1.2 billion (2006) vs. 1 billion (2005). • Overall […]

Can’t Get No Satisfaction

Wall Street Journal quotes Kusek and Leonhard: The music industry played one sour note after another as digital technology undermined its traditional business models. But after suing some 35,000 music fans for illegally downloading songs, music honchos decided not to sue the more than seven million others. Instead, the industry has concluded that if it […]

Can’t Get No Satisfaction

Wall Street Journal quotes Kusek and Leonhard: The music industry played one sour note after another as digital technology undermined its traditional business models. But after suing some 35,000 music fans for illegally downloading songs, music honchos decided not to sue the more than seven million others. Instead, the industry has concluded that if it […]

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Digital Music Startups from 2008

Paul Brindley and his team at Music Ally have created a comprehensive list of digital music startup companies from 2008. Social and Sharing Video Stores and Services Streaming Place Shifting Recommendation Discovery Digital Labels P2p File Sharing Games Virtual Worlds Live Music Ticketing Artist Tools Online Mixtapes MP3 Search Engines Tools Now who says the […]

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Shilling for Supper

As the influence of major labels erodes, licensers are seizing their chance to be talent scouts. They can be good at it, song by song, turning up little gems like Chairlift’s “Bruises,” heard in an iPod ad. For a band, getting such a break, and being played repeatedly for television viewers, is a windfall, and […]

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Reconciling the Value of Music

I had the good fortune of meeting Matthew Daniel of R2G in China a couple of weeks ago. He presented his thoughts on the Chinese music market and reconciling the intrinsic value of music over there. It is very interesting that Intellectual Property has had very little monetary value in China and they are struggling […]

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Cycles in Music – Video

From the Business Innovation Factory Summit, my presentation on the Past, Present and Future of Music. http://e.blip.tv/scripts/flash/showplayer.swf?file=http%3A%2F%2Fblip.tv/rss/flash/1445348&showplayerpath=http%3A%2F%2Fblip.tv/scripts/flash/showplayer.swf&feedurl=http%3A//bif.blip.tv/rss/flash&brandname=BIF&brandlink=http%3A//www.businessinnovationfactory.com&enablejs=true&tabType2=none&tabType1=details&tabTitle1=About&tabType3=none&backcolor=0xffffff&frontcolor=0x999999&lightcolor=0xcccccc&showguidebutton=false&autostart=false&showmorebutton=false Here is the story they wrote about me for the Summit. Back in the seventies, David Kusek walked from his freshman dorm at the University of Connecticut, down a long hill to the music department for classes several […]

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NIN Survey

Here’s an email from Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails to his fans. Here is a band that is inventing their own future and building their fan base directly. Take note, this is how it is done… Awesome. (Thanks to Mike King for this one). Subject: Nine Inch Nails survey Message from Trent: Hello everyone. […]

Napster’s Children

Want to know what’s up with new music startups? Read on. Great coverage by Paul Bonanos from The Deal. So good to see mainstream financial coverage of our music industry. Striking a chord A decade after Napster, a new crop of Internet startups is challenging the music industry’s dominant companies. Their instruments of choice: social […]

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Derek Sivers – Tim Ferriss Discussion

Derek is the musician who started CD Baby, the world’s largest online music store for independent musicians. Here are some current stats from the site: – 242,846 artists sell their music at CD Baby – 4,574,622 CDs sold online to customers – $83,590,381 paid directly to the artists With more than 2 million digitized tracks […]

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The Rise of Free Music

These days there are hundreds of options for acquiring music from free legal download and streaming services. Many of these sites offer streaming and/or downloading options. Some are up there for the love of music, some are driven by advertising and some are building business models behind the scenes. They are alternatives to paid services […]

Video Games Prove Positive for Rock Acts

Hit games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band are creating a subtle put profound shift in the way music is experienced, heard, interacted with and purchased. In these environments music is not listened to passively, it becomes an immersive and engaging experience that is changing the nature of the relationship between the hard-core fan and […]