Get More Fans with Fluence

“How do I reach new audiences and grow my fanbase?” is a question I get all the time.

It’s easy to stay in contact with your current fans – there are amazing tools to sell your new music, create engaging fan experiences, and send direct and targeted promotions. The problem was always reaching new fans, but now I’m going to let you in on a little secret and show you exactly how it’s done.

On Thursday, January 29 at 1PM EST, I’ll be hosting a free live webinar with Shamal Ranasinghe, founder of Fluence.

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Fluence is a platform that allows musicians to contact music industry influencers and curators directly and get valuable feedback to improve their craft. These direct connections are way more than just self-improvement – they could end up as serious exposure or opportunities for you and your music.

The key to growing your fanbase is taking an active approach and getting your music to music influencers and curators who have an established and dedicated audience. An influencer can be a music blogger, a radio broadcaster, a journalist, a successful producer or musician, or a music supervisor, publisher, label or industry person. These people have developed a group of dedicated followers – be it on Facebook, Twitter, or their blog – who listen to their ideas and value their opinions. If an influencer recommends your music, the followers are much more likely to take note than if they had seen you pop up on Spotify or Google.

The music business is a really personal industry, and often your opportunities will come from the connections you make. On top of that, opportunities like getting your music played on the radio or featured in a show or movie can put you in front of a new audience of potential fans. Although Fluence influencers are not paid to share your music with their following, if they like your sound enough they likely end up doing so. In the webinar, we’ll be looking at a few Fluence artists who got their music in front of a HUGE audience after sending their music to an influencer on Fluence.

If you’re ready to grow your fanbase in 2015, join Shamal and I in the webinar Thursday, January 29 at 1PM EST. If you can’t make the webinar live, you can still sign up to watch the replay.


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