This video from James West and Len Henriksen shows that the consumption of music has come along way since the days of vinyl records. But now with all the digital variants of music available to anyone with an internet connection, what has become of the stability of the industry and the ability of artists’ to make money?

To sum it up, while digital consumption has absolutely exploded – the revenue per download, or spin, or play has collapsed. Data is from 2010.

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12 replies
  1. Mykas says:

    Very insightful. Would be interesting to see how subscription based streaming platforms such as Spotify and Rdio fit into the mix and how that is changing the industry.

  2. Mykas says:

    Very insightful. Would be interesting to see how subscription based streaming platforms such as Spotify and Rdio fit into the mix and how that is changing the industry.

  3. Vinny says:

    Loving that hat and the Regency style black velvet! I do like nice velvet like that but tend to avoid it as I used to have a lovely black velvet concert dress which when combined with white cats equalled DIASETSR!

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